Women to Women Network

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Amy Morin

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Amy Morin of EOS Worldwide & Thrīv Coaching, and here's what she had to say…

Who are your clients/customers?

I work with entrepreneurial-run organizations that are tired of the status quo and looking to change what's happening in their business because they've hit a ceiling, their getting ready to scale, they are having trouble hiring the right people in the organization and their profits are not where they should be. My typical client size are companies that have 10 to 250 employees with some being a little less and some being more.

How do you help your clients/customers?

I teach clients how to operate their business using EOS - Entrepreneurial Operating System. It is a system for structuring and operating your business. EOS is based on the book Traction by Gino Wickman. We focus on six key components in your business that get you and your leadership team crystal clear on the Vision for the organization, how to gain consistent Traction on that Vision and build a healthy, cohesive, fun team.

Part of building a healthy, high-performing team is using a conative assessment tool, Kolbe, that helps us realize how we innately take action. For example, I'm a high fact-finder, which means I like a lot of information. If I'm working in a team environment, my teammates should know that I'm a high fact-finder, so they don't get frustrated or feel distrusted when I'm asking many questions. 

We work on accountability by creating a structure for the organization. We work on establishing scorecards and measurables. This way, at a glance, I can look at our organization and say, "Hey, we are off track here." It's like the dashboard of a car when your check engine oil light goes on. If we ignore that, we are not going to hit our goals.

We tackle the vision part of the organization by getting the whole leadership team to agree on where the company is going. We get it out of our heads and onto paper, which requires vulnerability for the business owner to share their hopes and dreams. 

What brought you to this line of work?

My life experience got me here. I've been an entrepreneur since the age of 21 when I co-founded a company that grew from $0 - $40M in revenue. I've taken my years of experience being an entrepreneur of several businesses to now passionately giving my clients the tools they need to succeed.

What brings you joy?

Helping entrepreneurs break through their ceilings and get the business they want. When I first started with one of my clients, a small, family-run business, they worked seven days a week. I met with them for a full day, and they said, "We don't even know where we're going, or how we could take a day off from work." Months had gone by with no days off, and they were just exhausted. We had to meet on Sundays until we got them to the point where they had a solid group of people working in their organization. Now we meet on Wednesdays, and the business stays running smoothly. It's like clockwork. We're so proud of that massive transition they've made in just ten months. 

What defines you and your business?

I've sat in the seat of growing a business from 0 to 40 million, and I've also sat in the chair of taking over a company that was 30 years old but had been depleted and came with a lot of baggage. I have a lot of business experience and real-life credibility.

Another thing that defines me and sets me apart from other implementers is that I do not mind holding my teams accountable. I will tell you right up front that if you do not want to be held responsible, I would not be an excellent person to work with. I'm going to lovingly, with a big open heart, tell you how it is because that's why you hired me. You don’t hire a dietician to feed you cake!

What's the most important thing you want people to know about you and your business?

We often know we need some help in a business or want to institute some change, but we need to figure out how to get there. We can find it scary to make the first move, but life on the other side, with a healthy team, is so rewarding for everyone. You end up as the entrepreneur or the founder of a company you can be proud of. You'll have a positive impact on yourself, your employees, their families, and more. I’ll take the journey with you while you muster the courage to make a change.

Thrīv Coaching


(406) 426-0266
