Women to Women Network

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Beth Bering

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Beth Bering of Oregon Business Resource Center, and here's what she had to say…

Who are your clients/customers?

The Oregon Business Resource Center (BRC) supports small businesses (1 - 50 employees) in all stages, from start-up to growth & scaling and succession planning. We have a designated serviceable area in which we provide support, however, our broad range of resources is available to most all small businesses throughout the state of Oregon. We strive to make our business support accessible to all, and we encourage the opportunity to connect with BIPOC-owned, Women-owned, and Veteran-owned businesses.

How do you help your clients/customers?

I meet with small business owners, and I help identify the challenges and pain points that are preventing them from achieving their goals. From there, I seek out the resources and/or referral partners that align with their strongest business needs. Our business resources include expert training, workshops, and one-to-one referrals with a professional consultant. Some of the resources that we provide support for include marketing, financial strategy & planning, human resources, business consultation, and more. Our goal is to support small businesses to overcome today's challenges and steer them toward the path of resiliency and growth.

What brought you to this line of work?

My background includes several years of Career Services and Business Development experience, and I have partnered with small and large organizations to improve recruiting, hiring, training, and staff development. The Oregon BRC provides me with the continued opportunity to connect with business leaders and help them solve today's challenges.

What brings you joy?

I have a passion for helping others reach their goals and succeed, and it's truly rewarding to make a positive impact on others' lives. I enjoy connecting with people and building personal and professional relationships, and I value the time that I spend with family and friends while I continue to learn and grow throughout my life's journey.

What defines you and your business?

Our goal is to introduce and refer small businesses to the best possible solutions, and we've built and maintained a robust network of community partners and professional consultants to provide a broad range of expertise. We understand the importance of clear and honest interactions between our small business owners and our community referral partners, and we value integrity and collaboration within all of our relationships. We work with diverse industries and populations, and we maintain inclusivity within our outreach initiatives. We continue to stay connected within the community as a trusted partner as we build and maintain meaningful business relationships.

What's the most important thing you want people to know about you and your business?

The Oregon BRC is committed to supporting the small business community as we continue to meet each unique business owner wherever they are. Our support has provided several small businesses with resources that may not have been available to them otherwise, and we are dedicated to providing quality service and support to help small businesses achieve growth and success.

Beth Bering

Oregon Business Resource Center