Women to Women Network

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Cindy Carlton

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Cindy Carlton of Facilitated Health & Healing, and here's what she had to say…

Who are your clients/customers?

My clients are primarily women on a spiritual path and looking for ways to continue healing their bodies, minds, and spirits. They usually have found some roadblock or resistance in their life, and I help them figure out what that is and how they can either release it or shift a belief system to integrate change.

How do you help your clients/customers?

I hold space for my clients in many ways. First, I help them to see that they can heal themselves. One-on-one client sessions are typically in-person, but they can also be done remotely. When in person, a client will lie on a massage table for therapeutic massage work and/or hands-on craniosacral therapy. We tap into the messages their body is holding onto. That can be the physical body or the emotional, spiritual, and mental pieces.

There can be messages from angels and guides and releases in their system of things they've been holding on to for years. I help them find what they've been holding on to and the messages they haven't been listening to in their bodies. 

I teach other healers and my clients, one-on-one or in groups, how to hold space for themselves and others better. That usually is through visualization, meditation, and energetic tools.

What brought you to this line of work?

My background is in customer service. I did retail management for years and worked in the corporate world for a bit. I also did nonprofit work, managing the Cookie Sale for Girl Scouts of Western Washington, for a few years. 

Eventually, I had a life event where I decided I needed something new and ended up in massage school. Through massage and healing work, I recognized my own gifts. My journey of healing and connecting on a spiritual and energetic level occurred, and in my growth, I've discovered my talent to help others find that within themselves.

What brings you joy?

I feel like I have a joy gauge inside of me, and when I'm helping somebody, and we land on something that brings them joy and lights them up, it lights me up. My whole system shines when I assist clients in landing on something they haven't been able to see or feel for themselves. Allowing a client to sense what their next step is. That could be going home and having a conversation, resting, moving across the country, or playing with their children. Seeing someone at peace brings me joy.

What defines you and your business?

As a mother, partner, friend, and woman, I have been trained to hold space for other people, their things, and their needs. A lot of times, as women, we don't stop and receive that for ourselves. I want to give that to others. A space where you can be held so that you can have a good cry, release and let go of all the stress and burdens you're feeling in the moment. My clients are made to feel safe and grounded, calm, and reconnect to their energy and light. 

What's the most important thing you want people to know about you and your business?

Everybody deserves to be held. Everybody deserves and is worthy of connecting with their bodies and selves for their own healing. People think they need to prioritize others, but it's essential to stop and take care of yourself. Otherwise, you won't have the energy, the space, or the groundedness to do it for anybody else.

Facilitated Health & Healing


(503) 998-9051
