Women to Women Network

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Jennifer George

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Jennifer George of Office Evolution Hillsboro, and here's what she had to say…

Who are your clients/customers?

The nature of my business allows me to provide support to professionals in a variety of industries. I work with those in the legal, finance, tech, real estate, e-commerce, and travel fields, as well as writers, consultants, and nonprofits. Typically, they are solopreneurs or companies with 2-10 employees. However, with the shift in work culture and many industries transitioning to hybrid work models, I am seeing more professionals from larger companies that work remotely.

How do you help your clients/customers?

I provide our members a welcoming space to focus on their professional goals. Some people come in daily, while others stop by once a week or once a month. I offer options for their unique needs, whether that’s a quiet place to work, meet with clients, host a workshop, or record a podcast.

What brought you to this line of work?

Truth is, I never envisioned myself in this line of work. However, my husband and I are risk-takers, and the entrepreneurial dream led us down this path.

I have a background in graphic design and created two businesses in that area. My husband focuses on residential rentals. Together, we have a small hobby farm. In 2019, as we discussed our next venture, the idea of shared office space came up. The more we learned about it, the more we decided it would be a good fit. It was our largest risk and furthest outside our comfort zones. We went for it anyway. Now I get the opportunity to support and encourage many amazing members of our community.

What brings you joy?

Being within a collaborative community means I’m surrounded by people who are driven and full of ideas. I love chatting with them about their latest business goal or an idea they have for an event they would like to host. I get even more giddy if the topic includes updates to their brand identity or photography.

What defines you and your business?

I place a lot of value on being kind. I expect myself and others to be respectful even, or especially, when we have opposing truths/opinions. That mantra has followed me into my work environment. My team and I strive to create a positive space that sends out good vibes. One of the biggest compliments I receive is when someone says the office has good energy.

What's the most important thing you want people to know about you and your business?

I am a small business owner. I understand the challenges of this title, both financially and mentally. My goal is to guide you in finding the best solution that works for your individual needs. It might be a full-time private office or no office at all. When we find that solution together, you and I are both happy, and it shows. I’m proud of our members and watching them grow.

Jennifer George

Franchise Owner

officeevolution | Work Empowered™
