Women to Women Network

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Marcia Bench

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Marcia Bench, CEO of Digital Marketing for Experts, and here's what she had to say…

Tell us about your clients and customers. Who do you primarily serve?

I serve established female coaches, consultants and experts, and other local Oregon businesses seeking to grow their online presence and sales.

What are the problems/issues/challenges your clients face, and what solutions do you offer?

Entrepreneurs come to us when they are plateaued or their existing strategies aren't working in the changing/changed environment. We help our clients (1) design a scalable offer they love, (2) connect with the right people for their offer, (3) use state-of-the-art marketing software and services to build brand awareness and nurture leads, (4) convert those leads into happy clients, and (5) deliver an outstanding client experience that generates positive reviews, referrals and repeat sales.

How do you help your customers/clients? How do you work with them?

We provide coaching, done-for-you marketing, done-with-you services, and a la carte software. The software, Your Marketing Dashboard, is an all-in-one solution for appointment setting, email marketing, text messaging, automations, landing pages, website design, and much more.

What brought you to this line of work? What led you to this point?

I started my first business as a side hustle in 1986 alongside my law practice. After two years, I sold my practice and home and traveled for a year doing workshops around my first book, When 9 to 5 Isn't Enough - and was one of the first authors Hay House published. I wanted to do something more positive with my talents than the law allowed, and I have been in the career development, business development, and personal development space since then. I created the first career coach training company in the world in 2001, ran it for 19 years, and expanded it into 42 countries, then sold it in March 2000, days before lockdown, to do online marketing and business strategy full time.

What defines your business or sets it apart from other similar businesses?

We combine manifesting, mindset and marketing together for a holistic, multi-dimensional approach, which leads to faster results for our clients. Adding the software and ChatGPT this year has filled some key gaps that have led to our clients thriving as well.

What defines you?

I am a spiritual being having a wonderful human experience, contrast, and all!

What brings you the most joy in your business?

Seeing client breakthroughs!

What is the most important thing you want people to know about your business and what you do?

Building your business around your life purpose and being paid well for what you do is THE key to fulfillment in life!

Digital Marketing for Experts
