Women to Women Network

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Natalie Bevacqua-Hartung

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Natalie Bevacqua-Hartung of Arbonne, and here's what she had to say…

Who are your clients/customers?

My primary clients are women typically in their mid 30s to 50s who is looking to age healthfully and gracefully.  We have a fairly discriminative consumer that cares about elevated ingredients and doesn’t know exactly where to go or doesn’t want to spend a fortune! There is so much research on how what we put on our skin and in our bodies can impact our health in a detrimental way.  

How do you help your clients/customers?

There's the skincare and whole-body wellness side to what I do, and then there's the income opportunity side.

Women are not known for putting themselves first, so a simple self-care routine is essential. I help my customers incorporate skin care and other healthy habits like protein shakes and gut health into their daily lives. 

I also help with career and personal growth through our business. I now have a friend who lives in Alabama. She joined my business about 12 years ago and was never that involved but enjoyed using the products. She recently began feeling the pull to create a stronger community around herself, so she dove back into the business, and our bond offers an incredible outlet for her. I am always available to answer questions and help elevate other women as leaders. I enjoy encouraging others to grow their leadership.

What brought you to this line of work?

I started fresh out of college. I came from a family of entrepreneurs, and my mom was a trainer at a cosmetic and skincare company called Elizabeth Arden, so I grew up in the skincare business. At one point, I was an area trainer for the Gap Corporation in Southern California. Someone brought an Arbonne product in and I was curious. That's how it started. I dabbled for about seven years while growing my career elsewhere, and then my son was born, and I moved to Austin. I thought, "Okay, if I'm going to make money at this, I've got to make money now." At some stages, it felt like I was pushing a boulder up a hill, and at other times I thought I needed to strap myself in because I was growing leaps and bounds. I really enjoy what I do.

What brings you joy?

It's enriching to be part of people's growth, whether that's their health and how they take care of themselves or their career and personal lives. To have even a small hand in that is so rewarding. I value connecting with people and building relationships.

What defines you and your business?

I am grabbing hold of and owning my leadership capability. I prioritize my health to boldly help other women take a stand for their health. I'm going to be 52 in May, and I've been through breast cancer, two divorces, a move in midlife, and I'm raising a five-year-old, and I have a 20-year-old and a 16-year-old. I've been through a lot, and it's taught me to feel comfortable in my skin. I can offer this to other women looking to improve their health and well-being.

What's the most important thing you want people to know about you and your business?

If we don't prioritize our health, nothing else matters. This includes health in our relationships with people we do business with, the energy in our homes and how we eat, think, make time for ourselves, and more… total health is my passion!



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