Women to Women Network

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How to Network at a Networking Event Without Being Salesy

Guest Blog by Kara Campuzano, KC Creative, LLC.

Many people go to networking events for different reasons. I for one quickly leave a room as quickly as I entered it if I feel that people are just wanting to sell me a product or service instead of actually wanting to get to know me or what I do.

Here are some reminders on how to network at a networking or social event.

  1. Be Genuine: Instead of trying to sell your products or services, focus on building genuine relationships with the people you meet. Show interest in their work, ask questions and listen to what they have to say.

  2. Be Prepared: Do your research before attending the event, and come prepared with a few conversation starters. Make sure you have your elevator pitch ready (this should come organically and only if the other person is interested in what you do) but don't make it sound too rehearsed.

  3. Be Helpful: Networking is not just about what you can get from others, but also about what you can offer. Be helpful and offer assistance or advice if you can (this is why I offer lots of tips and advice on social media when it comes to marketing). This will build trust and establish you as a valuable connection.

  4. Be Respectful: Don't interrupt people while they are talking or try to force a conversation. Respect their time and boundaries. If they seem busy or not interested, move on to someone else.

  5. Be Positive: Maintain a positive and upbeat attitude throughout the event. Smile, make eye contact, and show enthusiasm for the topics being discussed.

  6. Follow Up: After the event, follow up with the people you met. Send them a personalized message or email, thanking them for their time and expressing your interest in staying in touch.

  7. Focus on Long-Term Relationships: Don't just focus on making a quick sale or getting a job offer. Networking is about building long-term relationships that can benefit both parties in the future. Keep in touch with the people you meet and nurture these relationships over time.

Lastly, don't go to networking events with the expectation that you are going to get someone to sign up or buy your product/service. Be intentional. Go to networking events to meet new people whom you can build a genuine relationship with.

Kara Campuzano
CEO of KC Creative, LLC