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Unleash Your Business Potential with the Power of 'The Right' Coach

Guest Blog by Connie Kreiser, CMK Coaching & Consulting

Before you decide you know what this article is about, know that I see you. I see the pain of making poor choices in the past regarding coaches. I see the regret of pouring more money into your business, expecting this time to be different, just to feel 5 steps behind and a lot of money poorer.

Overcoming that Five Letter Word – C O A C H

Have you ever considered doing something you've never done before and thought, "I don't need any training for this"? It's an interesting concept, and surprisingly, many Entrepreneurs, including myself, have fallen into this trap of ego. We invest heavily in honing our primary skills but tend to settle for mediocrity in areas like accounting, sales, and marketing. After all, we can't afford to hire experts for everything, so we try to handle it all on our own. We convince ourselves that if we can face uncertainty head-on, we can surely handle tasks outside our expertise, right?

But the question remains: Is "good enough" really good enough?

It's a struggle countless business owners face—endless cycles of excitement, doubt, frustration, and confusion, followed by fleeting moments of success that keep us going. We're taught that success is just around the corner, so we never give up. However, trying to be a one-man show handling everything is a recipe for disaster. It's like playing the drums without learning how to properly play a single note – the results are terrible, and it takes forever to achieve real income.

Let's take a moment to look at the abundance of business coaches out there. Within a 25-mile radius of my location, there are 22 Business coaches focusing on various topics, from social media and leadership development to mindset, marketing, health, and more. With such a variety, how do you know whom to hire and when?

But before we get into that, let's address the idea of trying to be all vendors, a one-man show. Just because I can jump out of a moving car doesn't mean I should. The consequences could be drastic, just like trying to handle all aspects of your business alone. So, let's put that notion to rest.

Alright, now let's talk about COACH. How do you know if you need one, and who should you choose? Here are five simple questions to ask yourself before hiring a coach, mentor, or consultant you currently don't have:

  1. What hurts?

  2. What's the desired outcome?

  3. What's the time frame?

  4. What's your 'real' commitment?

  5. What's your budget?

Let's delve into these questions:

  1. WHAT HURTS? Make a list of what keeps you up at night regarding your business life. Identify the tasks you dread the most and what triggers negative self-talk.

  2. WHAT'S THE DESIRED OUTCOME? Imagine your dreams coming true, with all your boxes checked. Wave that magic wand and envision your ideal outcome with no limitations. List all the things you're not getting right now.

  3. WHAT'S THE TIME FRAME? Set a realistic time frame for your coaching journey. Do you need a coach for six months, a year, or maybe just six weeks? Determine how fast or slow you want to progress.

  4. WHAT'S YOUR 'REAL' COMMITMENT? Be honest about what you're willing to do. Avoid overwhelming yourself and commit to a realistic time frame for achieving your goals.

  5. WHAT'S YOUR BUDGET? Stop telling yourself you can't afford something and instead come up with real answers. Determine your budget and plan accordingly.

A good coach won't dictate what you should do; instead, they will guide you on the right path. A good coach will understand your needs and help you identify the resources necessary to achieve your goals. If someone tries to sell you a one-size-fits-all solution without understanding your specific needs, be cautious.

Now, armed with these five questions, it's time to find the perfect coach for you. Interview three coaches, and tell them about your pain points, desired outcomes, time frame, commitment, and budget. Ask them how they can help you, and inquire about their fee schedule.

Don't waste your money on fleeting motivations that won't lead to consistency. Embrace the opportunity to work with a coach who can empower you to steer your business towards success. Take the reins, learn what you need to know, create an actionable plan, and find the right coach to support your journey.

By the way, if you're curious, YES, I am taking on new clients, and I'd be thrilled to be one of your THREE options. Let's unleash the full potential of your business together!

Connie Kreiser
CMK Coaching & Consulting