Women to Women Network

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When the World Gives Us Lemons

We’re going through a global pandemic and life has been disrupted in ways we never imagined would happen. Honestly, it feels almost surreal, like we’re part of a movie. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t been touched in some way. Whether it’s a loss of business, loss of a job, loss of a loved one, so simply having to stay home - our lives are not the same. I also don’t know any two people who have been affected in the same way or to the same degree. The experience is different for each and every one of us, even in my own household. But I have noticed one common thread: we are really good at making lemonade.

By that I mean, we have a knack for finding the positives, for turning a bad situation into an opportunity to do better, for taking care of ourselves and moving forward regardless of what the world is throwing at us. Give us lemons and, well, you know.

At our April Coffee & Conversation (our first virtual coffee!) we explored the silver linings we are discovering as a result of being sheltered and having to practice social distancing. It was an uplifting hour and I was inspired by the positive spirit everyone was holding onto. Here are a few of the silver linings we shared…

  • A slower pace of life and finally having time to do some of the things that we have been wanting to do or that always get set aside for “later”.

  • Daily walks and more time spent outside. And walks filled with more waves and smiles to neighbors and even strangers.

  • Sidewalk chalk art, flower installations, and teddy bears in windows - random acts of kindness and gifts to be enjoyed.

  • Human connections. There’s more time for real conversations. More time to get to know each other, albeit virtually, but the connections are genuine.

  • Being better able to be present and in the moment with fewer distractions.

  • The opportunity to pivot, adapt, change, and emerge with a new direction and purpose better suited to where you want to go.

  • Time to pursue knowledge and new skills. Time to discover new technology and harness it in new ways to make your business run a little smoother.

The list could go on, but we ran out of time! After an hour of conversation, two things were quite clear. One, we are positive beings! Two, an hour was not nearly enough to chat about all the good things happening in our lives. We did have to wrap up the conversation, though, and we ended with these questions:

What do you want to take with you as we come out of this? And what of your old ways do you want to leave behind?

I know one thing I’ll be looking forward to is a big pitcher of the sweetest tasting lemonade shared with all of you!

Liz Hatcher, founder Women to Women Network, copywriter and content strategist.