Women to Women Network

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April Voves

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Dr. April Voves, owner of Meadows Health and Wellness, and here's what she had to say…

Who are your clients/customers?

My patients are often women who have not received the care that they deserve. Medical providers tend to rush patients through the process, and if lab results come back as "normal," the patient's concerns are pushed aside. I'm committed to spending time with each of my patients to get to the bottom of why they're feeling "off."

Of course, my doors are always open to men and children as well. Digestive issues are also one of my focuses.

How do you help your clients/customers?

My practice incorporates conventional and alternative therapies. I can order labs, do pap smears, and prescribe (or help you get off) medications. At the same time, I have a whole toolbox of natural treatments like supplements, herbs, and dietary and lifestyle recommendations. Using this knowledge in unison helps me look through a wider lens and get to the root cause of what's going on. 


What brought you to this line of work?

I studied nutrition science as an undergrad and knew I wanted to pursue a career in healthcare. I was planning to go to medical school or physician assistant school. I worked as a medical assistant in a conventional clinic, and it just didn't feel like the right fit. All of the doctors and providers seemed stressed out, and the patients didn't seem like they were happy with their experience either. It just felt like there had to be a better way to deliver healthcare.

That’s when I came across naturopathic medicine. It helped me personally with some issues that conventional medicine just wasn't able to resolve. This encouraged me to go to naturopathic medical school, but upon graduating I ended up working at a conventional urgent care and primary care clinic. I had about 25 patients a day with short, 15-minute visits. I was handing out meds all day. I quickly burned out and remembered this was not the reason I went to a naturopathic school.

That part of my life was an incredible learning experience. It helped me decide to start my own practice in the way that I felt was best.


What brings you the most joy in your work?

It is so rewarding when patients tell me that they feel heard. I have patients who have been chronically ill for years and years but have never gotten the answers they deserve. The answers are usually easy to uncover by just sitting down, listening, and letting them share their whole story. This can make such a strong impact on someone's life and health. I'm very passionate about my work. I find it very fulfilling and I'm so grateful for that. 


What defines your business?

I spend a lot of time with my patients. My first visits are 60 to 90 minutes, and follow-ups are 30 to 60 minutes.

I'm currently transitioning to a direct primary care model (also known as a membership model). It's a new way to deliver health care. Patients pay a monthly membership fee to be part of the practice. They get a whole list of inclusive services. It's meant to be a more personal relationship with the doctor. My patients have direct access to me; they can even text me.

I believe in transparency, and I focus on prevention and wellness. By cutting out the insurance middleman, I can practice in the way I think is best for my patients and give them the best care and attention. 


What is the most important thing you want people to know about your business?

Even if you've been told that everything is normal, don't settle. Keep listening to what your body is telling you and find a provider that will continue to work with you so you can get to the bottom of what's going on.

Membership is a great way to access healthcare. Once you experience it, you won't want to go back. Insurance providers benefit when people get sick, but we focus on preventative care with the direct primary care model.

Meadows Health and Wellness


(971) 373-4012
