Women to Women Network

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Dani Sticka

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Dani Sticka of Imperfectly Tidy LLC, and here's what she had to say…

Who are your clients/customers?

My primary clients and customers are people who are preparing to move or are ready to start letting things go. For example, I just met with a mom whose kids are graduating from college and moving into their own homes. Another client had her roof collapse, and she needed help getting everything back in its place.

How do you help your clients/customers?

I see myself as a friend who devotes our entire time together focusing on you. I help my clients to make organizational and downsizing decisions and provide important resources. I leave my clients' houses with a van full of castaways, and not a list of more to do.  I also provide information that will help guide them as they move forward to ensure our time together is beneficial and the results are lasting. A resource I recently completed for my local clients is an area guide for where to bring donations and recyclables so my clients have a clear path to continue without me. Of course, I'm happy to come back, but I want to leave you with tools and resources. 

Getting to a place where you're ready to let go isn't easy. It's important that my clients know I'm not coming to them from a place of judgment. I respect what matters to you. I will never pressure you to get rid of something meaningful to you. Objects can carry so much emotional value, and that requires care. Together we can come up with a plan that's not overwhelming. I want to help you celebrate items by putting them on display or storing them appropriately.

What brought you to this line of work?

I had health challenges in 2016 that changed my life. When I came out of it, I decided I wanted to organize my whole life. I "cleaned" everything from relationships to my home and finances. It was freeing letting go of what no longer served me. After my personal reorganizaiton, my friends saw how it made my life simpler and began asking me to help them and word started to get around. When the pandemic hit, I realized it was the perfect time to start a business with this passion. 

What brings you joy?

I love to be the person you can reminisce with while organizing objects with sentimental value. I'm interested in people and their stories, so it's great to leave someone's home knowing a deeper side of them and feeling like I have helped them hold onto what matters most and let go of what may be holding them down or is simply adding to a cluttered life.

What defines you and your business?

I work from a place of sincerity. I want to help, and I know how much getting your life in order can change your headspace. That means a lot to me. If you wish to meet for coffee to pick my brain or hire me, I'm always excited to meet someone new. They say if you find something you love so much you'd do it for free, then it's a good career path, and I'm happy I found that in my business. 

What's the most important thing you want people to know about you and your business?

What sets me apart is that I can adjust my pace to be the best fit for each client. I can intuitively gauge what speed will feel best. I'm not checking the clock to run out at the end of the day; I'm invested in making my clients feel lighter. Letting someone in your home is a big deal; I don't take that for granted.

Imperfectly Tidy LLC


(503) 922-9292
