Women to Women Network

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Mary E. Knippel

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Mary E. Knippel of Your Writing Mentor, and here's what she had to say…

Who are your clients/customers?

I specialize in working with reluctant writers—people who say, "I'm not a writer, I don't have a story." I help people gain confidence in the idea that their stories matter. No one else can tell your story from your unique perspective. 

How do you help your clients/customers?

I never have a checklist in my head that I feel I have to get through. I listen closely to find the piece that you aren't yet telling. I make my clients feel comfortable and safe sharing with me. Many people leave my interviews saying, "I've never talked about that before," or "No one has asked me that before." We dig deep.

What brought you to this line of work?

I began keeping a journal when I was 11 years old. My brother would tease me about what I kept in my journal, but I never let go of it. I always believed that the answers were at the end of my pen. 

When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer, I wanted to get back to my normal life as soon as possible, and I did, but three years later, I got the same prognosis again. That was my wake-up call that I couldn't wait any longer to write the book that I had been longing to write. I also hoped to be the catalyst for women who don't think they have a story. I believe I'm here to be the witness that helps them see it.

I started writing my memoir, The Secret Artist - Give Yourself Permission to Let Your Creativity Shine, to talk about how writing was part of my healing journey and how I used and encouraged creativity as a healing tool. There are writing prompts at the end of each of my essays that allow readers to write their own stories.

My journey led me to become a speaker. I had my “baptism by fire” when my nieces and nephew came to me to write the eulogy for my older brother. I was practicing when my cousin saw me tearing up. She said, "you can just have the priest read it," but it was so important to me to give the speech because I know my brother like no one else does. I wanted to do it justice. I ended up painting a picture of him that had everybody laughing through tears and getting to know him better. I am proud to always tell the extraordinary of ordinary stories. 

What brings you joy?

It brings me joy when I see doors to people's inner thoughts opening and their confidence in their writing grow. I'm so happy when clients express that they feel the flow of writing and have realized it's not the chore they thought it was. 

What defines you and your business?

I create a safe place to share your story in a sacred environment. Together we'll hash out a beautiful message. We may even end up crying together during sessions while creating.

What's the most important thing you want people to know about you and your business?

I really care. No one can say they're not creative in my presence. Everybody is a writer in their own way. 

Your Writing Mentor


(650) 468-5528
