Women to Women Network

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Megan De Salvo

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Megan De Salvo of Edge One Media, and here's what she had to say…

Who are your clients/customers?

Predominantly, we work with service-based businesses that are mostly located throughout the United States. We have worked with a handful of international companies, but we are very selective about those engagements. We have many clients in Health Care, Home Services, the Legal sector, and Personal and Professional services. We will not take two clients that specialize in the same thing in the same area, and I have found that is something unique about us.

How do you help your clients/customers?

When our clients and customers first come to us, many don't understand the actual value of what it is they provide. They provide a service. They know that the service they provide is good, but they don't actually identify with what it is that sets them apart, often because they are too close to it. What we do is highlight how they are unique leaders and innovators in their industry and lead with the value they provide. We use their website and digital marketing efforts to show that to the world and tell their story.

What brought you to this line of work?

My husband started our business 18 years ago. He had lost his job to outsourcing during the recession. At that time, it was difficult to find new work because people were not hiring for his position. He couldn't even get a job at a local coffee shop because his talent made him seem like a "flight risk." So, we had this idea that he could start to do freelance work. He began to make connections through my work at the time—FedEx Kinko's during their merger. From there, Edge One was born.

About 11 years ago, I quit my full-time corporate job to be a partner in Edge One Media and develop the marketing side of the business. I made the shift from Corporate America to have a solid work-life balance. I wanted to raise our kids and be a present parent, while at the same time help small businesses thrive versus making the ultra-rich richer with my marketing expertise. I was at the top of my field in sales and marketing and I knew my heart wanted to align more with my values. Today, my husband predominantly does the design side of our business (Branding and Web Design) along with our team, and I focus on the marketing and business development side, specializing in Social Media, Paid Ads, and Earned Media / PR, and more. 

What brings you joy?

I'm a big believer that we all have an impact on our local community. When I see small businesses we've worked with, succeeding and making a difference in their communities, it is probably my biggest joy, aside from my kids.

What defines you and your business?

Our connection to community and service. We strive to lead with a giver's heart. We try to connect with like-minded people who have an interest in building a good society. We used to say that we wanted to take over the Internet so that it was a wonderful, safe place, and I think we're doing that in our own small way.

What's the most important thing you want people to know about you and your business?

The most important thing I want people to know about Edge One Media is that we are approachable. We are a growing agency, but even if someone is in a startup phase or has an idea, we are welcoming. We want to give our time when we can. During the pandemic, I talked to 150+ business owners free of charge for 15-minutes to show them there was a way forward. I don't ever want someone to think that they can't approach us to ask questions or for advice. We hope to make marketing less scary. Often people put marketing at the very bottom of their to-do list because it can be such a daunting task. If I can motivate them to make steps to prioritize and achieve those marketing goals, or help take them off their plate, that will be super beneficial to their bottom line. That’s the Refreshing Edge.

Edge One Media


(503) 567-7343
