Strategic Business plans are the path to achieve your goals.
Already have a business plan, but it’s in need of an update? Are you new and need a business plan? Then this course is for you!
Creating and revisiting your business plan yearly is essential for all businesses to track progress, note successes, and plan for the coming quarters. It can also tell you when you need to pivot and rethink a strategy that's not quite working the way you want it.
Donna Capodacqua, Ph.D., Principal, Chrysalis Partners LLC, is offering a valuable series of workshops where you will build your one-page business plan over the course of four (4) meetings. She will lead you through the process of creating a complete, actionable plan that you and your team will implement right away! It won’t gather dust on the shelf because it will be a relevant and vital plan rooted in outcomes, values, and strengths.
Participation is limited to 12.
Session 1 - Jun 29 | Session 2 - Jul 27 | Session 3 - Aug 31 | Session 4 - Sept 28