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Wellness | Virtual Programming

  • Connect Anywhere Virtually Times listed are Pacific. (map)

10 AM Pacific | 11 AM Mountain

Members & 1st Time Guests: $0
Returning Guests: $25


In the bustling world of fitness and well-being, mindfulness is something that's rarely talked about. However, it's an ally in your efforts towards long-term health and vitality. Defined as the practice of being fully present and engaged in the moment, mindfulness in fitness creates a deeper connection with the body, enabling you to listen to its cues and honor its needs with compassion and understanding. In the realm of fitness, this translates to exercising with intentionality, tuning in to the sensations of movement, and respecting the body's limits to prevent injury and burnout.

By including mindfulness techniques in your fitness journey, you can reduce stress levels, enhance mood, and promote mental clarity.
In this session, you will:

  • Find freedom and results in learning to focus your attention

  • Identify what you can let go of by narrowing where you put forth your effort, lessening your guilt, stress, and the feeling of always being behind

  • Take back your time by quieting the noise around your health


Heide Lindgren | Whole Foundations

Heide began wellness coaching after 23 years modeling internationally (14 of those living in NYC) and navigating her own path to finding herself and feeling whole. Boise called her name 2.5 years ago after divorce and the wreckage of COVID. Heide graduated in 2021 from Columbia University with her BA in psychology and earned her personal training certification and behavior change specialist certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. After spending the last 2 years working in the mental health field (both inpatient and outpatient), she decided to start her own company, Whole Foundations, where she dedicates herself to helping women utilize fitness to find themselves, as she’s had to do the past two years.

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