Women to Women Network

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Anna De Salvo Murphy

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Anna De Salvo Murphy of Granite Business Solutions, and here's what she had to say…

Tell us about your clients and customers. Who do you primarily serve?

We primarily work with medium-sized businesses that have set processes and need a streamlined approach to distilling those processes into software they can use to save time and make more money. While custom software is primarily how we help, we can also help integrate current systems or build a scalable digital infrastructure that grows with your business.

What are the problems/issues/challenges your clients face, and what solutions do you offer?

Our clients often find themselves using an Excel sheet to try to keep track of their clients, multiple tech programs that don't integrate well to make daily operations happen, or a website that seems to crash every time they launch a new product.

How do you help your customers/clients? How do you work with them?

It always starts with a process chat via Zoom or in person and then moves into a technology audit or requirements gathering so we can build a technical or process solution.

What brought you to this line of work? What led you to this point?

Granite Business Solutions was born as we watched the world collapse into chaos. Our desire was to build a solid business foundation for ourselves and others. We used both of our talents to complement each other to help others save time and make more money in business.

What defines your business or sets it apart from other similar businesses?

Our solutions architect has 35 years of technical experience. We also have an in-house project manager who will ensure that you are well-informed of our progress, whether it be an audit or a custom software solution.

What defines you?

Our business is built on our faith. We believe in truth and ensuring things are done correctly, even if that means referring you to a better fit for your needs.

What brings you the most joy in your business?

We love helping people get back to doing what they do best in their business. Systems, processes, and software should support your business, not make it more complex. We love simplifying and streamlining so you can focus on serving your customers.

What is the most important thing you want people to know about your business and what you do?

While we are happy to help provide software recommendations for you, this isn't always the first thing we'd recommend. We always think clients should reassess their processes before investing in software. We are happy to discuss how to do that in a process chat on our website.

Is there anything you would like to add that was not covered in the previous questions?

Feel free to reach out or learn more about what we do here: www.granitebizsolutions.com

Anna De Salvo Murphy
Custom Software & Project Management
Granite Business Solutions