The first quarter of Women to Women Network in Idaho kicked off with the annual celebration of our Region at Spark – it was an incredible day filled with conversations with incredible women from all over the Treasure Valley and left our Leadership Team buzzing with excitement from the overall success. It also created a sense of kinship between our directors because it showed us just what we are capable of when we collaborate effectively and lean into each person’s individual strengths. 

Planning and implementing large-scale events can sometimes be the project that can make or break teams–they require a large amount of time and energy, and can feel like you’re driving straight-on into a tornado, unsure of where you’ll end up at the end. While there were certainly aspects that did not pan out exactly how we envisioned, Spark represented a shift in the direction and overall energy of the Idaho Region and the Leadership Team; we had set the bar high and knew we have to deliver on what was shared, but had no idea the ripple effect of change it would create for Women to Women Network as a whole.

One aspect about life that is constant is change–even elements in nature will inevitably change without outside interference. If you think about it, preventing any change or resisting change will require more energy and effort than it would take if you allow yourself to evolve with those changes, to learn from them, and to find opportunities within them. From the early days of  Women to Women Network in Idaho, I have been telling anyone within earshot that we are “becoming”. I knew then as I know today that we will always be changing, enfolding, editing, redirecting, restarting and creating. We have to. That is one of the most exciting elements to this incredible organization. I am not sure the end result is what I enjoy most. It very well could be sitting in on some of the most inspirational and free flow thinking sessions that I have ever been a part of. 

I can’t wait to see how much we change over the next year and the opportunities that come from it–there is a bright future ahead for not just the Idaho Region, but for Women to Women Network as a whole and it is something I am proud to be a part of. Here is to embracing growth and finding the opportunities within it! 


