Let me just start by saying how grateful I am to wish you the happiest July! As a Florida girl, the sunshine truly brings me back to life and reminds me of the necessity of balance in everything we do: the winter balanced by the summer, weekdays balanced by weekends…and accountability balanced with grace.

As high-performing women, it’s easy to find ourselves on a treadmill of achievement and to-do lists and - tragically - to find ourselves basing our self-worth on whether we’ve completed all our daily tasks. I don’t have to tell you that it’s a losing battle since there is always something that can be done. This is one of the many reasons I encourage all the women I know to make room for meditation in their lives. Whether you call it prayer, meditation, or quiet time, we must take regular time to get quiet and reflect on whether we are living a balanced life.

Certainly, there are times when burning the candle at both ends is a necessity of life. But without regular check-ins, this state of craze can start to feel normal (and our culture certainly loves to glorify it). Creating the daily habit of checking in can ensure you don’t let the treadmill get away from under you before it starts going too fast and you “fall off” (get sick, have a breakdown, etc…) Use this time each day to check in with yourself. 

Are you being endlessly hard on yourself under the guise of holding yourself accountable? 

Where can you let go a little bit? 

Where can you give yourself a break? 
(Hint: If your friend were in your shoes, would you be criticizing her the way you criticize yourself?) 

Where can you accept help or delegate in order to find some time to care for you? 

The answers will change from season to season…and that’s ok. But regular evaluations will make sure you’re not on track to burnout.

Wishing you a balanced July,



