Message from Liz

You may have noticed many changes lately - some may feel subtle, and others will feel challenging. As Women to Women Network entered its fifth year, the company was at this inflection point and it made me realize the best way to ensure we move forward was to take a hard look at how we had been operating, the programs we were providing, and how we are supporting our members. What came from that reflection was an opportunity to reinvent and create a better experience for members, leaders, future members, and partners.

It’s important for you to know that these decisions and changes were not made in a vacuum - everything was curated through collaboration, expertise, and trust with my Executive Team. Life as an entrepreneur can feel isolating - you are left to your own devices to develop processes, create something of value, and make every single decision. There comes a point where having support from trusted and valued partners is vital to the survival of your enterprise and the ability for you to thrive.

Women to Women Network is entering an era full of potential and growth. While change can feel uncomfortable (and implementing change is always a process of trial and error), the only way to grow successfully is to sit in that uncomfortable feeling, know that it will be temporary, and understand that impactful change only happens when you push your boundaries.

I want to thank all of you for your patience, kindness, compassion, and understanding as we work through these changes. Every change that has happened and will happen has been done with all of you at the heart of it. Our goal is to always evolve and grow in such a way that we are doing so to bring increasing value to our members. Here’s to Women to Women Network 2.0 and stepping outside our comfort zone to create a bigger, bolder, and brighter future!


