Kara Sigua

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Kara Sigua of The Lit Up Life Coaching, and here's what she had to say…

Who are your clients?

Millennial women seeking purpose and joy in their lives

How do you help your clients?

I help women create a life they love by reconnecting with their purpose, showing up in their power, and breaking through limiting beliefs. My work - Lit Up Life Coaching - is a culmination of 20 years of diving into the inner and outer work it takes to live an aligned, powerful, and joyful life. I am a certified Mastery Method Coach with an MBA and a BA in Psychology and Communication. I blend inner healing and transformational work with aligned strategy to help my clients bring their brilliance to the world, break generational chains, and leave an impact that raises the vibration of the planet!

What brought you to this line of work?

I have known I want to help people live as the best version of themselves since I was in High School. I thrived in my research-focused Psychology and Communication programs at UC Santa Barbara, where I earned my BA with high honors. I was hooked! I am drawn to people who have the drive to bring their gifts to the world, which led me to earn my MBA. Being among brilliant people who were highly skilled yet still dealing with the same fear and doubt - even with extra letters after their name - confirmed for me that this work was needed in the world.

When my marriage was struggling after the stress of grad school, bills, and a toddler, I took several Landmark Education classes as a last-ditch effort to save it all. What I discovered there was access to my personal power. I really saw how we create our experience of life. This filled me with so much possibility! Starting then, in 2011, I not only fell in love with the life I had, I began creating my dream life.

As I worked doing Marketing Consulting for the next eight years, I was continuing my personal development work. In 2019, I started my own social media management company as my way of continuing to support people who were committed to bringing their brilliance to the world.

Then, in late 2020, I lost a close friend in a car wreck. He was driving home from work to his wife and four children and then was gone. This loss, along with the pandemic, made me question my path in life. I realized I was putting off doing the thing I knew I was here to do until I was more "skilled" or more "ready." But, now, waiting felt more risky than going for it. So, in 2022, I became certified as a coach. Now, I have the joy of knowing that I am doing work that is in alignment with my purpose and that gives me access to others to do the same.

What brings you joy?

Holding space for others to see their own greatness. Whether it's with my children, my family, and friends, or my clients, this gives me life. I also love dancing, singing, and being with friends.

What defines you and your business?

My coaching is a mix of inner child healing, mindset work, rewriting unconscious beliefs, integrating energy in your nervous system, and taking courageous, aligned action in your life.

What's the most important thing you want people to know about you and your business?

My coaching is transformational. I don't just give you systems and accountability. I help you get to the root of what is stopping you, reconnect with the truth of who you are, and design your life from there.

The Lit Up Life Coaching








Neurodivergent in a Neurotypical World