Women to Women Network

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Kelli Poindexter

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Kelli Poindexter, owner of Poindexter Coaching LLC, and here's what she had to say…

Who are your clients/customers?

My primary clients are women over 50, often struggling with menopause and/or nutritional deficiencies and looking to get fit to live their healthiest lives. I have a passion for helping women who are active–or want to be active–accomplish goals like climbing big mountains, running races, or competing to get across a finish line.

How do you help your clients/customers?

I'm a Corrective Exercise Specialist, so I begin with the body's biomechanics and an assessment to see if movement patterns need to be addressed. If a client has experienced repeated cycles of injury or unresolved pain, corrective exercises can answer those issues. We find the right place for them to start with exercise and help them get consistent with their workouts.  

It depends on each client's goals and what they want to achieve. For women who are perimenopausal or menopausal, nutrition is a huge part of fighting unwanted symptoms. At Poindexter Coaching, we offer a SMART Plan nutrition program, which is designed based on a client's individual biostatistics.  As we lose estrogen, we lose our ability to maintain bone density and keep muscle, so building strength is super important in midlife. To maintain and build muscle after age 45, women need a specific type of strength programming to improve their body composition. Our programs are designed to safely help women increase their lean mass and decrease fat.  We help women improve their body composition, move with ease, and enjoy the activities they love to do every day at Poindexter Coaching.

Each of our bodies is unique, and we all have different experiences. If you're over 50, you've got a lot of history, and your body has been working hard for you for decades. We want you to move smarter, not harder, at Poindexter Coaching. We provide custom programming to meet each client where they are on their fitness journey. Having the right program for your unique physiology is essential to getting the results you desire. Our clients report not just weight loss success but improved quality of life, including higher quality of sleep, less pain, being stronger, and feeling more confident as they navigate their daily activities. 

What brought you to this line of work?

I was in the biotechnology industry for years, and I have a B.S. degree in molecular biology. I left that industry to go into the cycling industry, where I found my way to coaching women's triathlon. From there, I recognized that I could help the women I was coaching much more if I had more education, so I pursued personal training certifications. For the last decade, I have been helping women live their best lives.

What brings you joy?

I am going into my third year of owning my own business. It is a roller coaster ride. If I stay focused on my purpose of helping women over 50 to get fit, I find joy.

When my clients report that the little things in life are easier, I find it rewarding. I get so excited when a client gets on the podium at their running race or if I receive a picture of my client at the top of the mountain they climbed, and knowing I helped them get there pain free, feels my heart with joy… there's nothing better than helping a woman achieve her dreams! 

What defines you and your business?

Helping individuals move through their lives with ease, strength, and confidence.  

If you've got a hiccup in your giddy-up, I can help you correct it so that you're not in pain doing the things you love. I can help your body move more efficiently and improve the quality of your daily activities and sports performance. I’ve worked with so many women attached to a number on the scale from their past.  I help women to see that it's not about a number but confidence in the capability of your body to accomplish your goals. It all starts with believing your body has the power to heal and the determination to get to that finish line.  Creating a positive mindset and having daily practices to keep it are essential.  

Consistency, persistence, and patience are my motto. Any time you try something, you've got to stick with it long enough to see any results. I have the ability to help women commit and create that mindset where they look forward to feeling great after their workouts.

What's the most important thing you want people to know about you and your business?

I can help anyone anywhere.  My business is primarily online, which is a great way to get results. I utilize a fitness app that helps keep my clients on track with their programs. I'm always in communication with my clients, ready to troubleshoot issues and provide support. I doubted online training before I got into it, but utilizing technology is a game changer.  My clients are consistent with their workouts and get results.  I also do in-person training in Vancouver, WA.  My personal touch to coaching provides all the love, support, and guidance you need to reach your goals.  

Kelli Poindexter, CPT/CES

Poindexter Coaching LLC


(510) 919-8881
