Linda Smith

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Linda Smith of Notes of Celebration, and here's what she had to say…

Who are your clients/customers?

My primary clients are brides who would like live music at their weddings and event planners who arrange dinners and networking events where they want background music.

My clients find me through my website and the website Gig Masters or one of the five networking groups I am a part of. I'm also part of Art of Weddings, which is a premiere wedding and event organization in Portland.

How do you help your clients/customers?

I play the music that they love. I connect my clients with music that is meaningful and brings back memories. If I'm playing for an event, we discuss the client's tastes and discover the average age of the people there so I can play the music of the decades that they grew up in.

What brought you to this line of work?

I started taking piano lessons when I was seven and found I had a natural, God-enhanced talent. By the time I was in sixth grade, I was accompanying choirs which I continued through high school and college. I started playing at church when I was 16, leading me to play for weddings and events when they came my way.

My piano teacher in college wanted me to be a professional musician, but I didn't feel that fit with my vision for a family, so I went into education. I taught elementary music for seven years until we adopted a little girl from Korea. I stayed home and played house for a year and realized I didn't want to go back to teaching, so I taught private piano and then played on the side for weddings and events. I played for Westview High School's musicals for 11 years and did Southridge High School's accompaniment for three years. In 2002, God said, "Go play the piano," so I started Notes of Celebration. Along the way, I was doing a lot of network marketing, so I learned a lot about business. I just showed up everywhere all the time. I stay in touch with the venues, golf clubs, bridal consultants, and more. Business is relationships, and it's worth the investment of time.

What brings you joy?

When I play the music that I know my customers enjoy and it connects to them. If it doesn't connect, it's just a job. I especially love playing for weddings. DJs have taken over that industry, so it's significant to me when I play music and the bride loves it. For example, a client can have me play a song just for her mom when she walks in, and it brings back memories and draws from the generations. It's an experience in the moment, but it also gives them a special memory.

What defines you and your business?

Connection, a genuine interest in the client, and good communication define me.

I play the music my clients love!

What's the most important thing you want people to know about you and your business?

I play from my heart. It's something that is an expression of who I am. My grandfather gave me my tagline: Music that Touches the Heartstrings. My mom had tuberculosis when I was growing up, so my grandparents raised me until I was five. My Grandpa was a musician and a very strong Christian, so I had a good foundation. He always said, "Linda, when you play the piano, play to touch the heartstrings."

Notes of Celebration LLC

(503) 341-1058


The Lies Our Brains Tell Us


Kelsey Olson