Core Values in Your Business and Your Career

In case you missed the September Coffee & Conversation, Heather Morrison, Bold Beyond Belief, led us on a great discussion about our core values and how they translate into our businesses and client interactions. Humanity over vanity, integrity and honesty, empathy and kindness, authenticity, reliability, and trustworthiness were all words spoken as we went around the room. In the end, it was clear that we have a lot in common!

The real take away message, though, is that our core values are non-negotiable and do not need validation or approval. And, as non-negotiables, our core values provide the filter through which we should run our business and our client interactions.

Want to dive a little deeper into your core values? Here are three worksheets you might enjoy, compliments of Laurie Tarter:

What Do You Value

Personal Values Assessment

Rating My Work Values

These worksheets are a quick reference and review that can help determine your top values in three categories: Character Values (universal values you need to exist as a good human being), Work Values (values that help you find what you want in a job and give you job satisfaction), Personal Values (values that help you define what you want out of life and will assist you in being happy and fulfilled).

Just as we discussed in our group conversation with Heather, knowing and understanding our values not only helps in career exploration, it also helps one find success in the workplace.


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