Turning Times of Challenge into Times of Growth

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So, times have been a bit rough lately for many of us. Running your own business is challenging enough in good times, but throw in a pandemic, economic shut-down, historic nationwide protests, a national movement, a presidential election...  well, that’s a lot to take on!

As entrepreneurs, we tend to look on the bright side, though and seek to find opportunities. We are adventurers at heart, which is exactly what Maryann Remsburg reminded us at our June Coffee & Conversation. Maryann, an M.S. Counseling and Certified Professional Coach was our guest facilitator and led our conversation around turning challenges into opportunities for growth.

Stepping into unknown territory and taking risks is part and parcel to being an entrepreneur. Launching a new business is an adventure all it’s own and navigating the ups and downs as you grow your business is just part of the experience. Challenges are going to come up. Does that make you cringe? Or do you recognize the opportunity for growth?

Maryann encourages us to see the opportunity within each challenge. This is a chance to look at things differently; to step off the normal path and find a new route to the same destination, or a completely new route to a different destination. This is a time to be curious and consider new possibilities. Chances are you will discover better ways of moving forward and achieving your goals.

No matter where you are in business, or the size of your business or the industry and clients you serve, you have had to adjust to the current situation. You’ve had to pivot in some way. Heck, you may have had to pivot so many times in the last few months, you might be dizzy by now! We’ve all had to make shifts to figure out how to operate in the “new normal” and, if we’re being honest, it’s been a little awkward at times.

Awkward is ok! In fact, Maryann suggests embracing the awkward. New is different and unknown and you can’t expect yourself to have all the answers or know all the right moves. The important thing is to keep exploring and keep moving forward. Awkward will sort itself out as you try things and keep making improvements. It’s how we learn to walk and talk, after all, and it’s how we’ve always figured things out. It’s also how we continue to grow.

To help you turn a time of challenge into a time of growth, Maryann emphasizes using critical visualization. Persevere to your purpose and know your why with absolute clarity. Set specific, measurable goals. Outline your strategy for achieving your goals and your action plan to support the strategy. Hold yourself accountable, but be flexible and make adjustments as you need to, and celebrate the wins as they happen. And recognize each challenge as it comes along for what it really is: an opportunity to make a shift and do things in a new way, and an opportunity for growth.


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