Have you ever noticed that certain people you meet in life keep resurfacing at unexpected yet essential times? By the third or fourth time you cross paths you know that this is not a relationship to be ignored? This has been my experience with our founder and CEO, Liz Hatcher. My trust in her leadership, experiencing firsthand what she can do when she believes it is the right thing, and her unfailing support of women in business are why becoming involved in Women to Women Network was an easy decision for me. As a member and now in a leadership position.

Liz and I have known each other for a long time. From the first time we met, I knew at that time I was going to learn A LOT from this “badass boss lady”. Not only with my career trajectory in marketing management then but also with how to carry myself confidently in the corporate world. 

Our entrepreneurial paths crossed repeatedly as members of other networking organizations and projects over the years, her bold leadership skills shining over and over. This was one woman who knew what she wanted, how to get it and not stand for any BS. A stark contrast to myself at the time.

I learned a lot from Liz regarding confidence, being bold, going after what you want, recognizing relationships, and creating mutually beneficial connections.  Liz has drive, compassion, business acumen, and an entrepreneurial spirit that rivals none. She brought this to Women to Women Network five years ago when she formed her vision of women helping women into a reality. I know firsthand the power behind this organization and am proud to be a member who can now share her own confidence, leadership skills, boldness, and strengths with other members. 

I am still learning from Liz. She still kicks my butt when she sees me doubting myself in any aspect of my life. Now, I have a larger resource to pull from, WtoWN. Each one of us has unique knowledge, perspective, and experience to share. Like Liz, as a leader, I hope to encourage others in this network to move beyond doubt and fear into bold confidence and trust in yourself as a woman in business. 

WtoWN may be five years young, but the experience, love, and commitment that go into this organization go much deeper.


GUEST BLOG: 10 Insightful Journal Prompts for Reflection + Growth
