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DreamBuilders/VisionBoard Workshop

  • Open Haus Co Workers Space 5020 Northeast Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard Portland, OR, 97211 United States (map)

Member Event

You’re invited by Women to Women Network Member Brenda R. Bryan.

Discover 3 Keys to Create Your Dream Life!

The journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step.

As we head into 2024 we have finished another cycle around the wheel of life

When you reflect on your year have you achieved your heart’s desire.

Did you commit to your dream?

More importantly, Do you have a Dream? Have you written it out?

Does it have details, specificity, you see it, you feel it. This dream in you is a calling, raising your energy to new possibilities.

Looking to what next year will bring, are you ready to ‘ Make A Decision’ for your dream.

Most people live by default, meaning they hope what they want will show up on their door step in the form of a Million-dollar check or a new love, or that job they never applied for. They have a fantasy for their life. Hoping for it, rather than taking- action for it. When you live in fantasy or wishful thinking, then the dream is outside you, when you live by design the dream is coming from within you.

You cannot get to your Dream you must come from it.

What this means is you feel the desire and details for the life your dreaming up before it shows up.

Everything is created twice first as a picture in your mind then as material in the outer world.

Vision boards are a direct path to fueling your intentions and dreams.

This is why I love Vision Boarding, sometimes we have difficulty seeing it in our own minds eye, but when we see pictures they evoke the feeling responds that activate our longing. When we active our longing this is Spirit talking through us .

I am calling in those of you desiring to build your life using your passion, desire and heart that creates a life you will love.

We will spend time in the dreaming up stage , working the 4 quadrants of health/well- being, relationships, vocation and time/money freedom. Moving through the building and claiming on that dream Working through the 3 phrases of Dream Building- Blueprinting, Bridging and Building.

At the end of our time you will have set up a vision board to use with the tools I interduce you too to move through the 3 phrases.

Come and enjoy the creative process of designing a life you will love and is worthy of your life energy.

Where: openHaus Co Workers Space- 5020 NE MLK Blvd, Portland OR 97211

Dates: Saturday Jan 13 or Sunday Jan 21 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Investment $97.00

Supplies Provided along with a work book for the setting in for the year ahead.

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