Donna Capodacqua

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Donna Capodacqua, owner of Chrysalis Partners LLC, and here’s what she had to say…

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Who are your clients/customers?

My clients and customers are people who work for themselves or lead a business. One example is my client who recently turned his solopreneurship into a franchise. He and his partner are getting ready to hire two employees to help run the business and I’ll be coaching them. 

I work with relatively small companies up to 40 million dollar businesses with more than 100 employees. These larger companies are complex, 24/7, specialized operations. I enjoy both ends of the spectrum.

I seek clients that are motivated and willing to learn. I also appreciate clients that are charitable with their businesses. 

How do you help your clients/customers?

 I liken it to athletes. The best athletes have coaches. Why is that? They need to continually improve and everyone has blind spots they’re not aware of, and emotions that can distract from performance. It’s the same with business leaders, and coaching can help. Coaching can also ensure that goals are clear and everyone is working toward the same objective.

We talk about attracting top-line revenue and converting it to profit efficiently. I help my clients make decisions from a point of strength so that they can take opportunities that come their way, or ride out adversities (which is especially helpful with the current pandemic). I believe the phrase “it’s lonely at the top”  can be true, but I’m here to help people realize you have to be vulnerable to be successful. Hiring a coach is the first step in admitting that. 

What brought you to this line of work?

I always wanted to work for myself and when I left corporate my intent was to be an HR consultant. As I started getting projects I realized I could broaden my horizon with coaching. I wanted to help people live their dreams by accomplishing their business goals.

What brings you the most joy in your business?

During a coaching session, I can see the wheels turning. There is nothing better than watching people have that aha moment!

So many people get into business because they have a vision of a life they want to create for themselves, but oftentimes, the business starts running their life. For example, one of my clients sought a coach to divest themselves of some responsibilities so they can have time for a personal life. It was a joy to help them do that.

What defines you/your business?

We’re about customized solutions. We’re about meeting people. In the corporate world I learned that no matter how many tools or processes you have to offer, it has to be at the client’s pace. Pushing people out of their comfort zone is important, but you can only go as fast as they can digest and modify the information. 

Above all, humor and respectful honesty define my business.

Chrysalis Partners LLC



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