Kirstin Lauritzen

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Kirstin Lauritzen, of Northwest Functional Medicine, and here’s what she had to say…

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Who are your clients/customers?

My ideal client is someone who is active, a fitness enthusiast, or an athlete. I help my clients fix nutrient deficiencies and gaps in their nutrition to optimize performance and recovery. In the end, this helps them to do their sport to the best of their ability and, most importantly, have a healthy body. 

I also help people with chronic conditions that prevent them from living life the way they’d like. This includes hormone imbalances, autoimmune issues, metabolic concerns, and more.

How do you help your clients/customers?

I help people understand the connection between nutrition, the immune system, and overall health because nutrition deficits tie into functional performance. People tend to present themselves in a certain way on the outside, but that doesn’t mean all of their ducks are in a row internally. Together, we get to the bottom of that.


What brought you to this line of work?

My personal health issues, like migraines and endometriosis, encouraged me to look for better answers. I have also always been active, and it became really important for me to support my body and keep it healthy so I could keep pushing myself to do things I love to do. That’s when I went to get my Doctor of Chiropractic. There, my passion for nutrition and chiropractic came together, so I went on to get my master’s in human nutrition and functional medicine. That’s how I do what I do. It all started by trying to fix myself.


What brings you the most joy in your business?

Helping people reach their goals and get better is the coolest thing! Every time I get to an end with a patient and they’re thrilled about how much better they feel, and I am so excited for them. You can see you made an impact. For example, some people with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) often cannot leave their house because they don’t know if they’ll have immediate access to a bathroom. Seeing them go out on a hike with their friends is a huge accomplishment. They get their life back. 


What defines you/your business?

I take a multi-faceted approach with my clients, drawing on my chiropractic, human nutrition, and functional medicine education. I take into consideration how the body functions and the interconnectivity between diet, nutrition, and performance. This holistic approach is important to me. 

The training and education I have in chiropractic give me a deeper understanding of how the body moves in general. When you partner chiropractic with nutrition and functional medicine, you get to see what’s happening on the inside of the body as well. For a fitness enthusiast or athlete, having a practitioner that understands both pieces is a perfect meld. That’s what defines my business.


What is the most important thing you want people to know about your business?

My mission is to help people understand that if they are dealing with something that prevents them from living the way they’d like, especially with health, they can find relief. There are often solutions for things they haven’t been able to find answers for yet. I support clients in doing the work to find relief in areas where they may feel like they’re out of options. Often people know they need a change but just need a helping hand. I help people find answers and return to living their life.


Northwest Functional Medicine



Sarah Waters


Angie Russo