Mary Long

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Mary Long of Bins & Boxes LLC, and here's what she had to say…

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Who are your clients/customers?

I primarily work with busy families and professionals that need organizational help to save them time and remove some stress from their life. Our clients either may not have room in their schedules to do it themselves, or they would like an expert to help implement systems that will work over time. We specialize in creating customized systems of organization to meet our client’s needs and design those systems to bring a fresh and relaxing environment to their home. We can work to organize any space in a client’s home or business, and are always looking for new challenges.

How do you help your clients/customers?

I meet my clients where they are. If I have a client who wants to be involved in every aspect of the project I have them work alongside me and I teach them my process of organization so that they can apply that process to many aspects of their life. On the other hand we also love working with clients who enjoy the luxury experience of having Bins and Boxes take the project out of their hands entirely. We can manage the whole process from start to finish including organizing, designing, installing, and reaching out to other services when necessary. We can remove stress from our clients' lives by helping them get organized at any stage and we can tailor the experience to what our clients are looking for. 

I take a holistic approach to my work. For example, I like to tackle my client’s computer and digital space when they want their offices organized. If I'm hired to organize a laundry room, I address the systems throughout the house that funnel to the laundry room and make it work as a whole.

What we implement in the home takes worries away now and in the future. No matter how involved a client likes to be throughout the organization process, it's important to help them understand the maintenance required to keep things where they are upon completion of the project. We go over issues that I can see arising and leading to dysfunction, and how to tackle and avoid those in the future. I also follow up with clients because people are constantly evolving. A system that works now may not work later. I work to give my clients the knowledge they need to adapt or have the confidence to reach out to me for further help.

What brought you to this line of work?

It was a hobby that got a little out of control. I've enjoyed organizing for as long as I can remember. I did it for my friends and family for fun, and then about a year ago, my network began reaching out to get projects done. I knew I wanted to have my own business, and this is an industry that's growing, so it just clicked. When the COVID-19 lock down first started, I had time to educate myself about how to start a business, and I've never looked back.

I'm always looking to continue to grow my knowledge and get different perspectives. I'm currently in a program through the National Association of Professional Organizers and I am always seeking out new educational opportunities to grow my experience.

What brings you joy?

There is a significant emotional aspect to the items we own and accumulate over time. This attachment can cause anxiety that we're not even aware of. Helping people work through their burdens related to the things they own and helping to teach them that a more simplistic life can often bring us more joy makes me very happy. I love epiphany moments my clients have throughout the organizing process and it brings me a lot of joy.

What defines you and your business?

I am very proud of the attention I give my clients and their projects. I have a background in coaching and healthcare, and I genuinely care about how you're feeling throughout the process. Of course, I care about the space and getting it organized, but the human connection is my top priority. It can be an emotional activity, but I'm there to go through that with you. I structure my time strategically so that each client gets my full attention and someone to lean on.

What's the most important thing you want people to know about you and your business?

I recognize that organizing is a process of the heart, too, and that takes time. I understand the different stressors that go along with change, and they won't be ignored. 

Bins & Boxes LLC

(360) 565-6773


Heather McDaniel


Kristine Medyanik