Imagine your business organized for maximum efficiency...
We all know how challenging it is to be a small business owner. We also understand the amount of time and dedication it takes to be highly productive and stay organized. You’re great at what you do, but
Is your workspace set up for maximum efficiency, or are you constantly looking for things?
Are you drowning in paper, or are the emails in your inbox over 1,000?
Do you spend hours working and feel like you never get everything done you planned to?
If this sounds like you, then join us for Coffee & Conversation with Certified Professional Organizer and Productivity Expert Anne Blumer! She will share
How to set up your workspace for success
Techniques for managing the inflow of paper and electronic information
10 habits to return several hours to every day
Come engage in a lively discussion, learn new ideas that can help move your business forward and enjoy networking with other women in business!
About the Speaker…
Anne Blumer
Solutions for You, Inc.
As a Certified Professional Organizer and Productivity Expert, Anne Blumer helps busy professionals get organized and stay organized. Through her company Solutions for You, she provides hands-on help with professional organizing and move-management in the Portland, Oregon region, and virtual organizing services anywhere. She understands business overwhelm and offers compassionate support and practical solutions without judgment. Anne is passionate about bringing order out of chaos and relieving her clients of the stress associated with their pre-organization chaos.