A Journey of Connection and Growth

Why I Chose WtoWN

When I set out to find a networking group, I was looking for more than just professional connections—I wanted relationships. My boss mentioned Women to Women Network (WtoWN) to me, and it immediately piqued my interest. What drew me in wasn't just the opportunity for referrals, but the chance to truly get to know the amazing women in the group.

I’ve always loved referral-based networks, but I’m also naturally curious and enjoy learning about the people I connect with. WtoWN offered the perfect blend. At events, I find myself not only sharing the exciting things I’m doing professionally but also swapping funny stories about my kids. It’s a place where I can be my full, authentic self—laughs and all!

What Makes WtoWN Stand Out

For me, it’s all about the people, the mission, and the leadership. Kristie Wilson, our Regional Director when I joined, is someone who naturally draws others in with her passion and charisma. I had the privilege of working on the leadership team and witnessing firsthand the infectious enthusiasm she brought. It’s not just Kristie, though—the entire leadership team is fueled by this same fire, and it’s incredible to see the connections and growth that happen within our membership.

Attending events is always a joy because I get to reconnect with familiar faces and meet new ones. These friendships often blossom into deeper relationships that enrich both my personal and professional life.

The Value of My WtoWN Experience

One of the highlights of my time with WtoWN has been the incredible conversations we have during our Coffee + Connect events. These dialogues are filled with shared experiences, valuable advice, and lots of laughter. I always leave feeling energized and often find myself reflecting on the insights long after the event is over. It’s like hearing exactly what I didn’t know I needed.

Our Connect After Hours events are another favorite of mine. They’re a fantastic way for women to showcase what they do, network, learn about nonprofits, and just have a great time. I always look forward to meeting new people, building new relationships, and hearing their stories.

Why I Joined the Leadership Team

As a mother of two daughters and someone with years of leadership experience, I’ve been fortunate to have incredible women help me along my journey. I want my girls to enjoy the same kind of support and inspiration. Being part of the leadership team at WtoWN allows me to model this behavior and uplift other women. I truly believe there’s room at the top for all of us, and this is why I chose to step into a leadership role with WtoWN. I want to be part of a movement that elevates women and fosters a community where we all thrive together.


