In January of this year, I had the opportunity to attend the SPARK event. Not knowing what I was getting myself into, I quickly said yes. It was an amazing event.

Being the Executive Director of RISE, Inc. and having worked in the Human Service Field for more than 20 years, I truly understand the importance of networking.

RISE, Inc. is a Developmental Disability Agency that believes in Creating Opportunities for and with People. This year, I had the opportunity to focus on one of my personal goals, which was to extend my arms as wide as possible and connect with great individuals to cultivate another passion of my own. Joining Women to Women has allowed this goal to be achieved.

On February 8, 2017, my family welcomed our 1st grandson, and oh my, what a whirlwind that was. Such a joyous occasion left my husband and I speechless, mainly because of the timing and the fact that our 16-year-old daughter was now a mom. When we finally got over ourselves and came to the conclusion that God does not make mistakes, we embraced and loved everything about being grandparents. It was at that moment we decided that our journey, our words, and our lived experiences could help someone else.

On September 30, 2017, Walking Life’s Journey was established. WLJ is now a motivational platform that allows you to see that things may happen on this Journey called Life, but we can’t let it stop us. We are overcomers. WLJ is about helping you obtain a better life experience. 

As a professional, I believe that my own lived experiences have allowed me to be a better Leader, Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, Podcast Host, and Human overall. I have appreciated being connected to W2W and looking forward to being even more involved. 


A Journey of Connection and Growth
