Dr. Angela Potter

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Dr. Angela Potter who specializes in PCOS Fertility Treatments, and here's what she had to say…

Who are your clients/customers?

Women with PCOS and infertility who are left feeling like their body is not working and crying themselves to sleep because they can’t get pregnant. They’ve tried to get answers for their infertility, but they keep getting dismissed by their doctor, being told there is no treatment.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is one of the number one causes of female infertility. It's a hormonal condition that expresses itself differently across patients. It’s a complex syndrome, and it doesn’t respond to a one-size-fits-all approach which is why the most important thing is to get individualized care. Having the most individualized care opens up the best chance of becoming pregnant.

How do you help your clients/customers?

When you work with me, we walk through my step-by-step, individualized PCOS Fertility Protocol to learn what part of your health picture is impacting your fertility. There are different types of PCOS and various reasons why you might have it, so my protocol covers these essential and foundational aspects to discover the root cause of your fertility issues. Then, we move forward, working on the most important parts of your health to help optimize your chances of becoming pregnant.

If you’re not sure if you have PCOS, here are some key aspects of the condition:

  • High androgens (like testosterone) which cause symptoms like unwanted facial hair growth.

  • Cysts on the ovaries which you may not know you have unless you get a pelvic ultrasound. 

  • Ovulation issues; for example, a woman is not ovulating or is having irregular cycles.

If you have at least two of these pillars, you have PCOS. But you don’t want to stop there when helping your fertility! Next, you need to figure out what type (or types) of PCOS you have. There are four different types, and each type expresses itself differently in the body. Because of that, each type also has a different treatment plan. 

This is why it’s so important to get individualized care for your body. That way, you can understand what type of PCOS you have and then get a fertility plan specific to your needs. When you do these things, that’s when your fertility can open up the best. 

What brought you to this line of work?

I've been in practice for about 12 years and began in primary care with a focus on women's health. I've done extensive work with postpartum health for women, and I have a background in midwifery. I've always been passionate about helping women with their hormonal issues around fertility, pregnancy, time of life, and more.

As I was working with my patients, I started hearing from more and more women who have PCOS. They were coming to see me with very similar stories and saying, "I was just talking with my other provider, and they just sent me out the door with a pamphlet and a prescription that's not working for me." I was stunned to hear this over and over again.

PCOS requires a holistic view of the body, but many women are dismissed by medical providers and told that there's no treatment or that they must spend $30,000 or more for their fertility to open up. When, actually, there are lots of options to help increase their chances of having a baby. That's why I developed my PCOS Fertility Protocol and started specializing in helping these women who were left feeling hopeless.

What brings you joy?

When patients show up and tell me that they're pregnant! I mean, that's just incredibly exciting.

What defines you and your business?

Individualized fertility care. So often, fertility care doctors go on autopilot, and your story isn't being taken into consideration. Providers tend to jump to high-level fertility drugs and procedures quickly when there is still a substantial missing piece for your health. Like, has anyone checked your thyroid? Has anyone talked to you about the connection between gut health and fertility? These kinds of things are frequently missed, and I am passionate about zooming in to fill in the missing details.

What's the most important thing you want people to know about you and your business?

If you have PCOS, can’t get pregnant, and you've been getting dismissive advice from your provider, I want you to know that there are answers available for you. Please don't get to a place where you feel hopeless, like your body is broken and working against you. If you need help, reach out so you and I can talk about your specific situation, I’m here for you. 

PCOS Fertility Treatments


(206) 588-5038



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