Rachel Hadiashar

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Photographer Rachel Hadiashar, and here's what she had to say…

Who are your clients/customers?

My business has two sides: creative portraits and small business branding.

Many of my branding clients are highly educated thought leaders and incredible small business owners. I also work with artists, musicians, writers, and more: people who have focused on feeding their artistic and intellectual minds and have yet to reach a point where photos feel and look like them. I lovingly call this client base my awkward badasses, and sometimes tongue-in-cheek describe my base work something like “I take pictures of brilliant people being fancy.”

Another group that I enjoy working with is seasoned women - ages 50 and above. I have come to connect with and respect women who are a stage or two ahead of me. I'm 43, so my generation and younger have practiced taking selfies and are well-versed in using digital cameras. We have a lot of photos of our lives—it’s almost taken for granted. The generation ahead of mine used film cameras, and photos were seen as occasion-based. Often, we find that women coordinate events and photos of their families, so we only appear occasionally. Many of my over-50 clients haven’t had a great photo of themselves since high school. I create a safe place for women to try on different looks to discover how they’d like to appear in the world, in front of the camera, with the freedom of having control over which photos make it out into the world. I even have a client wardrobe we can play around with for personal and creative sessions. I encourage my clients to step into their spirit. One of my favorite aspects of this work is the frequency of discussions centered around beauty and aging. 

How do you help your clients/customers?

I create an incredibly safe space. Many people have been mentally beaten down after being tagged on social media in unflattering photos or having overly generic pictures used at work. They start to believe they aren't photogenic… but “being photogenic” is not my clients’ job. My job is to guide them into a space where they feel attractive and confident. When I look at photos with my clients, they are in control of which images see the light of day. If they don't like a shot, no one else will ever see it because my work is about delivering something that satisfies the client. We'll have honest and direct conversations about body image and everything that goes along with that. For example, I've had a couple of clients recently who were exploring gender identity, so they were able to try out nonbinary looks for the first time in our session. They felt free to be true and seen. It was gorgeous.

That's the gift that I give people. I recognize who they are and what they're doing, and I deliver a product that serves their needs while embracing their unique beauty. Authenticity is my number one value in life and business. I showcase people on a spiritual level and the vibe they exude. I like a timeless, elegant photo that won't feel dated or trendy. 

What brought you to this line of work?

I have a degree in music, and I grew up surrounded by the arts and creative people. I was on staff at grad school, where we were asked to make a brochure. I realized we didn't have photos to include, so I started taking pictures of people. I was told, "This is the best photo anyone's ever taken of me. Please send it to me. Can you do this again? Can you photograph my wedding?" It was so affirming. At that point, I didn't have a good camera; it didn't even have a detachable lens, so I knew the psychological part was there. I am incredibly proud of my ability to connect and ground people in themselves.

I originally learned on a film camera, then I did weddings for a while and had a lot of fun figuring out how to make it in the new world of digital photography. I built a client base that went on to need family photos and even boudoir shots. Eventually, I settled into my calling, photographing extraordinary individuals and the teams who support them.

What brings you joy?

Successfully delivering. I am passionate about connecting with people and being the partner who walks with them through a self-confidence-building journey. There's nothing like having an honest conversation with another human where you're sharing your heart. We all come out better because we've talked about it.

What defines you and your business?

My background is in the arts and communication, and I've worked through those lenses my whole life. I have a genuine curiosity to know others on an authentic level. I'm willing to challenge the norm, and I don't believe that beauty is a one size fits all situation. I see beauty in wrinkles and hair with a mind of its own. I refuse to subscribe to an anti-aging mentality. I love to dig into the human duality of shadow versus light and darkness against joy. Both sides exist in us on any given day or moment. Being able to capture that in a photo is what sets me apart. 

What's the most important thing you want people to know about you and your business?

Many of us have dulled our fires because of shame, guilt, or feelings of inadequacy, but I know that every person has something fundamental to say in the world, and I want to showcase those flames. 

Rachel Hadiasher, Photographer


(503) 941-0796



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