When I first attended a Women to Women Network lunch meeting in the fall of 2022, I walked in nervous and a bit unsure of how it would all go. I had made the decision to attend an hour before it started, and it took me 45 minutes to get to the event from Camas, WA. It was a last-minute decision. During the drive, I asked myself, “How will I present myself? What will I tell people I do? Will they look at me, rolling their eyes because of my ‘woo-woo’ work?” You see, this wasn’t my first time attending a networking event. I have had my share of walking into a room of strangers, expecting to be welcomed, and then feeling like everyone there was putting on a mask and competing with one another for “Best in Show.” Although I typically felt the competitive energy in networking events that had both men and women, I had attended enough women-only events to know that women can put up walls of competition and cattiness with someone new. 

This event was something different altogether. The women there were warm, friendly, and inviting. It was wonderful to have many of them coming up to me, asking if this was my first visit. And when I told them I’m an intuitive healer, they were interested and asked questions from a place of authentically wanting to know more. At referral networking meetings I had attended, I would usually get a response of, “Oh. I don’t know what that is,” and then the person would turn away. From the get-go, I knew the members of Women to Women Network were “my people” - women I could sincerely connect with. 

The space that Women to Women Network holds for women in business to find true heartfelt connections and support with other women is a beautiful place to be. It’s a model of the Divine Feminine stepping up to show our world what women can do when we work together as equals. It’s all about women reaching out a hand to help each other be more expansive in our power and purpose. I’m so grateful for taking the courageous step to attend that lunch meeting and allow myself to feel held by this amazing group of women. And I hope that as part of the SW Washington Leadership Team, I can continue to hold the same space for other women as they courageously step forward as members of Women to Women Network. Together we can show the world a different way of doing business where we are all seen and appreciated for our gifts and services!   


