Meet Kelli Poindexter, Vancouver’s Chapter Director! Kelli has been a part of Women to Women Network for nearly two years now and has been integral in the establishment and growth of the SW Washington Region! When she’s not managing the Vancouver Chapter, Kelli is the owner and operator of Poindexter Corrective Exercise Center where she coaches her clients in exercise and movement to help them achieve their fitness goals and learn how to prevent injury. Learn more about why she joined Women to Women Network and her experience in leadership.
Why did you join WtoWN?
WtoWN was different than other networking experiences that I had previously. The focus on support, collaboration, and connection, as opposed to a transactional leads-based approach, resonated with me. I felt like I had back an amazing community of women like I had in CA when I coached women triathletes.
What have you gained so far from your role in Leadership?
Coffee + Connect - Vancouver Chapter
I'm still learning! I have been resistant to the title of "leader.” It doesn't feel comfortable on my shoulders yet. But I know I don't grow and improve as a leader by staying in my comfort zone. I have big dreams for my business, and achieving those dreams means I must get good at leading a team. What I've learned so far (7 months into being on the leadership team) is that it takes the whole team to be successful. Everyone has a role to play. The team only works when everyone has input, and the team only works when there's a leader who processes that input and communicates effectively to keep things moving forward.
Tell us about your favorite memory with Women to Women Network.
Who can pick just one?! Every time I leave a WtoWN event, my cup overflows with joy, my confidence is booming, and my motivation to keep pushing to live my purpose and keep building my business soars. I've had several amazing collaborations with other members. Most recently, my partnership with my Chapter Co-Director, Cindy Carlton, comes to mind. I called her up to talk about upcoming changes, our roles, and events. If you know Cindy, just being in her presence can fill your cup with amazing energy, then add in her networking leadership experience, her belief in my ability, and insight into the universe, I get off the call with her beaming, "Hell yeah, we can do this, I can do this, let's do this!”
What has being in leadership taught you?
I think being in this leadership role has helped me learn how to communicate more effectively with my clients.
What are you looking forward to most?
I'm excited that our Team is creating a Wellness Workshop for January 2025 to help our members thrive and shine in their businesses. Join us in the new year to reset and revitalize your business self!