Allison Keeley

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Allison Keeley of Lioness Communication Coaching, and here's what she had to say…

Who are your clients/customers?

My clients are people who have the desire to have better communication. For example, a couple who feels like they end up in arguments over silly little things regularly and are tired of having the same conversations come up over and over again. Another example is a family whose members feel defensive whenever they talk, so they'd like to learn how to approach each other to connect more deeply. I also work with teams, businesses, employees, and bosses.

How do you help your clients/customers?

My work is about figuring out and finding the tools and perspectives that allow you to shift your dynamic to have more harmonious, supportive, and loving relationships. It's tough to step out of emotionally charged situations, see them from an outside perspective, and find the exact point where something is missing or going wrong. I provide an outside ear. I ask the questions that help get to the root of a situation you want to dig into and shift the energy around. Together we can take a step back to adjust pieces. Sometimes I can physically see the moment when the communication breakdown occurs. For example, I recently watched somebody swallow the response they wanted to give because they didn't feel they were allowed, it was appropriate, or it might hurt the other person. I use the tools in my kit to work through those moments with my clients.

What brought you to this line of work?

A fascination with people. How people think and interact, what makes them tick, has always interested me as far back as I can remember. I lived in Belgium for three years as a kid, and everybody there speaks more than one language, so I wondered how they figured out which language to use with this person versus that person and what you do when you encounter somebody who doesn't speak the same language as you. I was mesmerized by the concept; that memory says a lot about me.

I love problem-solving, and I've been the person from a very young age that all my friends would confide in—even random strangers tell me all their problems. I spent my entire life gathering as many tools as I could because I'm curious and I enjoy knowing more and more.

I was previously in the animal field, and I had gotten to a point where I was still very passionate about the animals, but the job I was doing wasn't where my passion lay anymore. I thought, "What am I going to do instead? My other passion is people. I want to do things to make their world and their relationships better."

What brings you joy?

The breakthrough and aha moments. I have heard someone say, "I've had nothing but arguments and defensive behavior every time I've had a conversation with my son for the last 20 years, and I tried a new approach based on the insight we came up with, and it went great. There was no defensiveness. We have a whole new opening in our relationship. It's transformed how we communicate." That was a Why I Do It moment. Seeing people become unstuck is an absolute joy.

What defines you and your business?

The unique thing I bring to the business is my 20-plus years working with animals. They don't speak English…they don't do verbal! I had to rely very much on nonverbal cues; body language, energy, and muscle tension. How does instinct show up? How I interact with a lion will differ from how I interact with a deer because their response will vary based on where they fit in the grand scheme. I can take the insights I picked up from the animal kingdom and incorporate those into how humans communicate.

What's the most important thing you want people to know about you and your business?

Support in your relationships is a foundation for everything, and my work is about getting you what you need to create your best life. There is so much power to having someone entirely in your court. It's grounding to have solid relationships with a strong communication base.

I also want people to know that I am a speaker and enjoy getting in front of people. I get to show up and share my knowledge and energy, and that's one way people figure out if we're a good fit. It's another piece of who I am and what I do.

Lioness Communication Coaching

(650) 796-0750


April Young


Karla Erovick