April Young

We sat down with Women to Women Network member April Young of 10-4 Communications, LLC, and here's what she had to say…

Who are your clients/customers?

I am a mindset coach and communication strategist. My ideal clients are women business owners looking to find or fine-tune their voices and overcome their thoughts of not-enoughness. They might feel lost in the noise or need to be more concise when writing or speaking to their audience or need someone to help them reframe their thoughts around communication. Some people need help to broaden their vocabulary, increase their writing skills, or speak/write clearly and directly. Through mentoring, skills development, practical application, and thought reframing, I meet my clients where they are and help them build from there.

How do you help your clients/customers?

I help women to find their voices and develop the confidence to use them. We should be heard. For so long, society has told us to sit down and shut up, but I say, "No!" We should be standing up and speaking loudly about everything and anything that we are good at or passionate about. 

Finding your voice looks different for everyone. Some clients need help to hone their email and writing skills. One of my clients felt she was too wordy and lost her audience in the first paragraph of emails, so we talked about how her clients were moms of babies under one year old, so they were exhausted and wanted their emails to be easy to read. We discussed how she could structure her emails to be more appealing to her clients. 

I had another client who needed proofreading services. I proofread and edited her lead magnet, which was done and over within an hour, making her so happy.

I have an ongoing coaching service where we deep dive into skills that are especially beneficial for newer business owners. Age doesn't matter; it's about where you are in your business journey. What do you need to take it to the next level or build more confidence? Most of the time, working on the pillars of communication is the best first step. I work with clients in a way that suits them best, whether that means an ongoing three to six-month coaching program or even just one or two sessions.

What brought you to this line of work?

I've always worked in customer-oriented industries. When I was 16, I worked in fast food. When I got into college, I did telemarketing, which was awful, but I learned a lot. Then, I jumped into the real estate industry, working in a busy realtor’s office managing all the client communication and transactions. From there, I enlisted in the military and served as a US Marine for 3 years before rejoining the civilian world and taking a year off to grow my family. In late 2016 I jumped into the mortgage business, where I have been able to further my communication skills and observe how communication is the key to success!

The one thing that's common in any industry is the importance of clear, effective, and consistent communication. I was driving home from work one day a few years back, and it hit me: communication is the most crucial skill people can have, yet so many of us lack the ability to do it well. I've seen communication be the "maker or breaker" of success for people. I have always been good at writing, speaking, listening, and conveying information clearly, so I decided to create a business helping others do the same!

Looking back on my 24 years of work experience, the one constant across all industries is the need for efficient communication. This observation is what led me to create my business.

What brings you joy?

I love creating relationships with people. The process of discovering exactly what they need help with and then seeing the concepts sink in. It's like when your kid discovers something new for the first time. For example, when my babies found their feet, and all of a sudden, a look of excitement appeared on their faces. That look is my favorite part of my job. It's how I know my client has taken in the information and can apply it to better themselves.

I love helping people step into their power. It truly lights me up, so being able to do that through a tangible skill that will help them forever is a great feeling. Communicating isn't something you learn once and then you're done. It's a lifelong learning experience; every person we encounter speaks differently and teaches us something. I tell my clients, "You might be able to handle this type of a person this way, but this other person's going to need a little more from you or a little less, and that's okay. Here's how you recognize that."

What defines you and your business?

I strongly believe that improving communication skills can help everyone in business, and I am confident I can help. I am not a regular business coach because I'm not going to teach my clients how to make sales or set up their businesses. But, I will teach them how to attract the people they want to work with, build strong relationships with their audience, and adjust their mindset to set them up for success. At the end of the day, business is built on relationships, and relationships are built on communication. 

Anything you'd like to add?

I'm looking to take on three new 1 on 1 coaching clients by January 2023, so don't hesitate to reach out. I’d love to help you start the new year off right by fine-tuning your skills and helping you reach your goals!

I also do one-and-done proofreading and editing for email sequences, lead magnets, or published material.

10-4 Communications, LLC


(435) 319-0395



Allison Keeley