Annette Mulligan

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Annette Mulligan, of A Mulligan Speaks LLC, and here's what she had to say…

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Who are your clients/customers?

My clients and customers are individuals, groups, organizations, or even families who are looking to own their wellness.

How do you help your clients/customers?

I help people move beyond the label that’s put on them, be it a chronic illness or a recent diagnosis. I support my clients in finding mental and emotional wellness. I help them find a perspective that gets them out of bed every day and keeps them moving forward. I believe incorporating a spiritual mindset is important. Whether my clients are a believer in God or not, I feel that each person has a spirit within them that needs to be taken care of.

I help my clients by clarifying what their goals are. Coaching is not telling you what you should be doing or how to do it. It’s helping you to define what you want. We work toward finding the action steps needed to get you to where you want to be. 

My presentations and group training support the same idea. I ask the question, “What does your group or organization struggle with and how can I help you to find solutions?” If they can’t pinpoint the problem, I help them to do so. I then make my presentation fit that particular group, guiding them toward principles that will move them in the right direction. If my training really resonates with an individual in the audience and they want more guidance on how to change their mindset or perspective, I can help with that too. 

What brought you to this line of work?

My background was working in a church leading the children's program and working with the parents and kids to help them live better. That experience combined with my own medical background of coming through type one diabetes and being legally blind gives me a great deal of information and experience on how life can be lived to the fullest.

After working in ministry for almost 30 years, I began exploring new paths in 2015. I took a class on how to be an entrepreneur. It taught me that being an entrepreneur is all about mindset. I then went to the National Speakers Association Academy. Last year, I completed my coach training and this paired really well with my speaking and presentation work. It really clicked that this is what I want to do.

I got to where I am today with an attitude of exploration. I often say, “let's just see what happens.” That became my approach, and although it’s scary, it’s had a really positive effect on me. I keep in mind that I can always wash my boots off later, so to speak.

What brings you joy?

I love being with my family! I also love being with my friends and celebrating with each other. I am a believer and follower of Christ, so I spend time with a lot of people from church and Bible studies. It brings me great joy when we can be together to share common interests and like-mindedness.

In my career, being able to help a client move forward in their life is so rewarding. When an organization I’ve presented to says, “Wow, we had never thought about it that way,” or “thank you for that insight,” it is so gratifying. I love to help people.

What defines you and your business?

Someone once asked me, “what's the wow factor of your business?” I thought for a minute, and said, “the wow factor is ME!” In my business, whether I am coaching or training, everything I talk about is what I have personally experienced. So many people get to a point in their life where physical, financial, or relational issues make them feel stuck. I continue to move forward no matter how many times I get knocked down, and I encourage my clients to do the same.

What's the most important thing you want people to know about you and your business?

I have experienced so many difficulties in life, but I have chosen to not let that stop me. Through growth and empowerment, you can learn from the hurdles and overcome them too. You have an indomitable spirit.

A Mulligan Speaks LLC

(661) 800-8702


Kara Kazemba


Teresa Boyanovsky