Ashley McFerron

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Ashley McFerron of Canby Eyecare, and here's what she had to say…

Who are your clients/customers?

We serve all of Canby and the surrounding communities. We have patients from as far as Portland and Vancouver, but our patients are primarily from the Canby, Wilsonville, Molalla, Woodburn, Hubbard, and Aurora areas. We also serve all ages and have patients as young as infants to more than 100 years old. 

How do you help your clients/customers?

We're a true primary care optometry practice and we're very medically oriented. We will refer to ophthalmologists when a patient needs surgery, but we can do almost everything else. One of the reasons I enjoy practicing in a small town is because, as primary care doctors, we get referrals from general practitioners for a wide array of needs. We prescribe glasses and contacts in addition to seeing patients sent to us from urgent care, people with diabetes, glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, and more. 

What brought you to this line of work?

My father is an optometrist, but my path was not linear. My degree is in exercise and sports science, and I initially went to physical therapy school. In my junior year of college, I had a requirement to do an internship at a PT clinic, and I realized very quickly that it was not for me. I always tell young people to do job shadowing or as many internships as possible because a job is not always what you perceive it to be. 

I had a job at an optometrist's office who was a friend of my dad's. I had a flexible work schedule and realized I liked the job. That is when I changed paths and ended up doing an extra year for optometry school. I absolutely loved it. 

I was born and raised in Oklahoma, went to undergrad and optometry school in Oklahoma, and moved to Oregon two weeks after I graduated. I did not want to move back to my hometown and take over my dad's practice, so I made a big move. I interned at an office in Stayton and then one in Woodburn, where I ended up taking a job. I worked in Woodburn for three and a half years before I bought my practice.

What brings you joy?

There are three parts to my industry that keep it interesting. The most important part is helping people. Besides dying, losing one's vision is the next greatest fear. It is rewarding to support people in eye health. 

Secondly, I get much joy from running a business. I spend at least half my time running the business, which is how I like it. I have created the perfect position for myself within my company. 

Lastly, I love that this industry has the optical side, which can be a fun fashion retail component. I use different parts of my brain daily for various duties, which keeps me on my feet. 

What defines you and your business?

We are first and foremost a customer service-based business. This is so important to me. When people leave my office, they say they feel like family and have been taken care of. We cannot and will not compete with Costco or 1-800-Contacts. That is not my goal, and it never will be. 

I believe the saying that you can do two of three things well: service, quality, and cost. Service and quality are our focus. We use the most premium products for frames, lenses, and contacts and give outstanding service.

What's the most important thing you want people to know about you and your business?

We are always accepting new patients and always available to help. We work hard to put our patients and customers as number one, and I believe we do an excellent job. I have the best employees in the world, and we love the Canby community. I look out my window to see a picturesque white picket fence, and I appreciate that feeling every day. 

Canby Eyecare

(503) 266-4847


Kelley Ayotte


Kelly Anderson