Kelly Anderson

We sat down with Women to Women Network member Kelly Anderson of Kelly Anderson Coaching, and here's what she had to say…

Who are your clients/customers?

I am a soul-led life coach based in the Tigard area. My business is local and online. My clients are typically individuals who have found themselves in an area of life where they feel stuck. They know there is something better on the “other side,” but they are unsure how to get there; they’re looking for the “how.”

The people I work with have often realized they're meant for more and need support in their search for fulfillment and purpose in life. They're at a point where they're ready to go through the coaching process to learn the tools they need.

How do you help your clients/customers?

My main focus is one-on-one coaching. I will typically take clients on for three months with the option to extend. I also offer free masterclasses on a quarterly basis, touching a wide variety of topics that my clients are typically struggling with. In the future, I hope to get into group coaching and possibly create an online course. 

What brought you to this line of work?

I was in the corporate world as a recruiter for more than 15 years. I spent that time climbing the corporate ladder yet never felt fulfilled. Although I loved the connection and interaction with candidates in the job market, as well as my hiring managers on the internal side—I never felt like I was aligned with my true purpose in life. 

I went through my own soul awakening between 2019 and 2020. Several significant life changes at that time prompted me to seek spiritual mentorship and a coach. This experience made it clear that coaching was a path I wanted to take, so I went through a coaching certification program and launched my business towards the end of last year. 

What brings you joy?

Watching that breakthrough moment on a call with a client. I love when there is a brief silence, and I can see the gears turning before they say, "I've never thought of it that way before." Then they take the torch and run with it in their own direction. Seeing a client work through a mindset change takes the cake for me. 

What defines you and your business?

It's about reconnecting with the soul. I call myself a soul-led life coach because the way I run my business and interact with my clients is heart-centered. I ask myself every morning how I can best show up and serve my clients today. Whether through the content I'm putting out online, coaching sessions, or future offerings, I do everything with my clients in mind to help them step into the life they want to lead. 

What's the most important thing you want people to know about you and your business?

If you haven't had a coach before, you should know that the way to get results is inside of you. I'm not the person that gives you the answers, but what I can do is guide you back to yourself, your core, and your soul. You will do the discovering; I don't come to the table with a fix-all solution.

I know people become desperate for change and want someone to give them the answer. Before the change can happen, you first have to be open and willing to get uncomfortable and do the inner work to get to the other side. I want to prepare my clients with that knowledge before we embark on our journey together. 

Additionally, I want to say that I'm so excited to connect with the local community. I have a yearning for more connection with business-minded growth-oriented locals. Thank you for welcoming me into this group.

Kelly Anderson Coaching

(503) 550-1839


Ashley McFerron


Whitney Zeigler